>>The bug is caused by libxmlrpc-lite-perl and libsoap-lite-perl
>>libsoap-lite-perl depends libxmlrpc-lite-perl, while the latter one
>>recommends the previous one. 
>>The step to reproduce:
>>1.Install libsoap-lite-perl, make sure libxmlrpc-lite-perl is marked as
>>auto-installed 2.Select package libsoap-lite-perl, Press 'M'
>>3.Press 'g'
>>4.Select libxmlrpc-lite-perl or libsoap-lite-perl, press '_'
> I cannot reproduce it as it is, maybe because I have devscripts
> installed, which recommends libsoap-lite-perl.
Today I uninstalled maint-guide and devscripts on my work computer and found 
> But interested to know, do you have ::Purge-Unused enabled in (user or
> root's) ~/.aptitude/config ?  Can you post that file?
On my old laptop, aptitude crash when "_" or "-" pkg postgresql-9.4 with the 
same backtrace.
/root/.aptitude/config content on this machine:

aptitude "";
aptitude::Keep-Unused-Pattern "";
aptitude::Delete-Unused-Pattern "";
aptitude::UI "";
aptitude::UI::Menubar-Autohide "true";
aptitude::UI::Package-Display-Format "%c%a%M%S %p %Z %t %v %V";
aptitude::UI::Package-Status-Format "%d %t";
aptitude::UI::Advance-On-Action "false";
aptitude::AutoClean-After-Update "true";

I can not reproduce both of them on my new laptop, on which two more lines
in /root/.aptitude/config:

APT "";
APT::Install-Recommends "false";

If I remove these two lines, the bug can be reproduced on my new laptop.


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