On Sat, 2015-10-10 at 23:57 +0100, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:

> For the time being, would it be enough to add the DataTablesSrc repo
> content (and a README) to aegean’s debian/missing-sources to comply
> with DFSG until a DataTables package gets into the archive?

Better than nothing but I think it still violates ftpmaster policy
since it might not be possible to build DataTablesSrc because JSHint
isn't in Debian yet. Their policy is that things must be buildable from
source but not that the source package has to build from source.
Personally I think the only way to prove that you can build from source
is to actually build from source, every time you build.

> I’m asking because the existing but apparently never uploaded draft
> DataTables package [1] does not build DataTables from ‘source’ either
> but just gets and repacks the built distribution from
> https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables/. So I guess I would need to
> start from scratch...

I see, yeah. If you do work on it, please replace the existing repo
instead of starting a new repo.



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