On 2015-10-11 07:54, James Lu wrote:
>> d/copyright:
>>  - The license appears to be GPL-3, not GPL-3+ (at least in the handful
>>    of files I checked). This also requires correction of the free-
>>    standing license block (the last paragraph)
> I see. Ubuntu's packaging wrote the license as GPL-3+ for both the
> packaging and the source, but I guess the license of the individual
> files must prevail here. Fixed.

Hm, I just realized that I overlooked something here, namely the license
of the packaging that came from Ubuntu :-/

that makes things a bit more complicated, because:
* It is clear that upstream wanted GPL-3 for the upstream source
* It is clear that Ubuntu's packager wanted GPL-3+ for the
packaging, even if this motive was inspired by the erroneous
assumption of the GPL-3+ for the upstream source (asking the
packager directly might resolve that)

IOW, my initial advice was wrong. You need to keep GPL-3+ for the
packaging, and add GPL-3 for the upstream source.

Sorry about the mixup!

>>  - There's a formatting issue in the free-standing license text (line
>>    27 is not indented)
> I'm not sure what this means. Is it supposed to be indented to the width
> of "X-Comment: "? That's what I did.

Oh, I see what you meant to do now -- it wasn't lacking indentation, it
was beginning a new field.

However, in that case, the field's name is just "Comment" [1], without
the "X-" prefix.



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