Hi Wookey,

> I am running the jessie version. libreoffice was working fine, thenI
> tried upgrading to the 1:5.0.2-1~bpo8+1 in jessie-backports, but that
> didn't work (similar error but a complaint about 'javaldx', whatever that is)

javaldx is what gives LO the path of the Java JRE (if you want/need it). A
warning there can be ignored if you don't need the functionality requiring Java.

> carefully downgrading everything back to the jessie versions got rid
> of the javaldx complaint, but I still have this runtimeexception. I
> don't know how to debug this. I did try to install libreoffice-dbg,
> but that's 3.4GB disk used and I don't have that much space free!

strace -f on soffice.bin maybe to see what it's doing before it throws the

> I tried moving my .libreoffice aside but that made no difference.

OK. Note that the config is NOT in .libreoffice but .config/libreoffice
nowadays if you use some FDO-compstible desktop....

> Some searching told me that unopkg is 'universal network objects'.

Well, UNO is. unopkg is for extensio (de-)registering if you install them
by hand...

> unopkg list says:
> unopkg failed."
> which may be a clue as on a working machine it says
> Or is that a red herring?

No, it's probably the cause.

> I can't work out from net searches where "CONFIGURATION_LAYERS" might
> be defined. It doesn't seem to be in /etc/libreoffice

root@Cubie:/# grep -r CONFIGURATION_LAYERS /usr/lib/ure/
root@Cubie:/# grep -r CONFIGURATION_LAYERS /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/
Binary file /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libconfigmgrlo.so matches

but probably it's broken in your user config, not the system?



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