control: tag -1 moreinfo

Hello Gersho,


On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 03:20:04AM +0200, Gersho de Lock wrote:
> Package: installation-reports


> Boot method: USB (4Go) made with LiLiUSB Creator on Windows7 Pro
> Image version: 

So an .iso on an USB-storage device

> Date: 14oct2015 
> Machine: Lenovo B590
> Processor:Intel Core i3-3110M 2.4Ghz
> Memory: 4Gb
> Partitions: 128Gb SSD 
>            c:\ 75Gb  (Windows) and 44 Free (for Debian)
> Installation du système de base :
> [O] = OK, [E] = Error (développez plus bas s'il vous plait), [ ] = non essayé
> Initial boot:           [O]
> Detect network card:    [ ]
> Configure network:      [ ]

So no signs of networking related stuff

> Detect CD:              [X]

The reported problem ...

> Load installer modules: [ ]
> Detect hard drives:     [ ]
> Partition hard drives:  [ ]
> Install base system:    [ ]
> Clock/timezone setup:   [O]
> User/password setup:    [ ]
> Install tasks:          [ ]
> Install boot loader:    [ ]
> Overall install:        [ ]
> Comments/Problems:
> The installer tells me it can't find the needed files on the CD and
> can't continue, it then send me to the step selection menu

As far as I known should it be possible the put an .iso on an USB-stick.
But I don't known how much magic is involved.

Some timeline stuff
 * install from diskettes  ( a.k.a. "floppies" )
 * install from CDROM, be came very very popular
 * install from extra disk
 * install from extra disk, where the disk is physically an USB device
 * some optimize on combine CD images and disk images

Due my lack in exprience with booting ISOs from USB-devices,
can't I tell how to prepare a proper setup.

These factors are involved:
 * bootROM in computer ( what _can_ it support )
 * selected boot device
 * by bootROM expected content on boot device ( what _must_ be present )
 * the way the content is available on the boot device 

Read that a second time with a mind set of "my boot disk is an USB storage 
and a thrid time with mind set "my boot ISO in on USB CDROM"

Then we boot a Linux kernel ( so leaving bootROM program code )
for what should the kernel look? A (emulated) disk or an emulated CDROM?

Back to
> Boot method: USB (4Go) made with LiLiUSB Creator on Windows7 Pro
> Image version: 

What is 'LiLiUSB Creator'?
what kind of input does it want?
What output does it produce?
Yes, that are very technical questions.
But an answer as "I can't tell, I picked a tool that was available and should 
do the trick"
is fine. Another good answer would be: "Hey, I just following documentation 
from URL"

Just provide more information about 'LiLiUSB Creator'

On the URL with debian-cd/current-live/amd64/bt-hybrid/debian-live in it.
How did you found that? What did you bring there?

And now some compliments. Yes, I assume you can handle compliments  :-)

It is good that you are curious about "Debian".
Very nice to see that what you allready did (downloading, preparing USBstick)
Best thing is you took the effort to create this installation report.

I do hope that you presist in getting Debian installed on your Lenovo B590.

>  Résultat de lspci -knn (ou lspci -nn) : sorry i have no idea what that is

`lspci` is a program that lists PCI devices, it tells about hardware.
Right _now_, _not_ a problem.

Geert Stappers

[1] Downloaded image is 'debian-live', not a debian-installer image.
    Wait for user feedback before reassigning.
Leven en laten leven

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