Did you check if the config files where there after the purge? What front
end are you using?

I installed guake then purge it. The keybinding preferences were remove
from the system but general and style preferences were still on the system

Location of the preferences for gnome are and this is what was left behind
after purge. Keybindings are missing

:~/.gconf/apps/guake$ ls
%gconf.xml  general  style

>From the guake package it uses gconf2 for keeping track of its changes for
the user.

Installed-Size: 905
 Depends: gconf2 (>= 2.28.1-2), python2.7, python:any (<< 2.8), python:any
(>= 2.7.5-5~), notification-daemon, python-notify, python, libgtk2.0-0,
python-vte, python-dbus, python-glade2, python-gconf, python-xdg,

Martin Naughton

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