Nobody is currently working on integrating openrc with Debian. At
least, to what I'm aware of.

So if you have an interest in openrc, the best would be bring it up in
shape and ask someone for sponsorship. You may also want to create an
alioth a/c (if you don't have one), and add yourself to the operc
packaging team.

Assuming you have an interest to maintain it, you may want to also
initiate this topic on debian-devel. An init system needs co-operation
with many other components of the Operating System.


On Mon, 2015-10-19 at 19:18 +0200, Frederic Bonnard wrote:
> Hi,
> here is a fix as a debdiff.
> It comes from
> 48e71c3c90a1c
> where the author of 0020-dependency-loop-resolver.patch (Okunev Yu
> Dmitry) did
> this after the debian FTBFS #763681, #770459 popped out.
> I had to change hunk #4 because several other commits were done
> between those 2
> patches and I didn't want to drag to many things.
> Also, this patch fixes #763681 that was fixed by a change in 0.13.1-
> 4.
> So I guess #770459 could also be solved with the same kind of fix,
> ignoring
> rc_deptree_unapm_getdependencies in
> Maybe this patch I add (0025-rename-static-rc-deptree.patch) could be
> merged in
> 0020-dependency-loop-resolver.patch, I wasn't sure.
> Let me know which way you want to go and I'll rework the debdiff.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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