So: it turns out that the regina-normal build failure was not because of the 
libstdc++6 transition, but because source-highlight was built against an old 
version of libboost-regex.  It seems that between August and now, somebody has 
binNMUed source-highlight to use boost 1.58, and as a result the build failure 
for regina-normal has gone away (see the notes for #797292, which I have just 

That leaves the question: what to do with this bug?  I’m not sure whether 
libsource-highlight4 needs a rebuild with gcc5 - I do see lots of references to 
std::__cxx11::basic_string<…> in the output from “nm -gC”, but someone else 
would be better placed than me to give an opinion on whether this is enough for 
a rebuild.

- Ben.


A/Prof Benjamin Burton
Computational Geometry & Topology Group
School of Mathematics and Physics
The University of Queensland, Australia

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