Am 17.10.2015 um 00:57 schrieb Simon McVittie:
> On 16/10/15 20:55, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> Am 16.10.2015 um 21:41 schrieb Alexandre Detiste:
>>> I suggest the path to be /usr/share/gemrb/baldurs-gate-1,
>>> that would a symlink to /usr/share/gemrb/baldurs-gate-1-{en|de|fr|..}
>> I think we should keep the current naming
>> scheme /usr/share/gemrb/baldurs-gate-1-{en|de|fr|..}. This ensures that
>> the user can install multiple versions in parallel.
>>From my point of view, the ideal thing would be if gemrb, or a wrapper
> script around it, knew how to look at the usual language environment
> variables, and try directories like /usr/share/gemrb/baldurs-gate-1/en
> (or -en or whatever) in preference order - perhaps it could be
> hard-coded to try English after the preferred languages even if it
> wasn't listed, and perhaps it should also try
> /usr/share/gemrb/baldurs-gate-1 if none of the subdirectories look like
> suitable game data.
> I suggested subdirectories rather than a suffix in the hope that gemrb
> could be modified to interpret
> "GamePath=/usr/share/gemrb/baldurs-gate-1" as "try /u/s/g/bg1/fr,
> .../de, [.../en,] /u/s/g/bg1" (assuming for example
> LANGUAGE="fr_FR:de_DE"), without explicitly configuring the language.
> Perhaps it could also be taught to look in .../cd1, etc., without having
> to explicitly specify CD1, etc.?
> My experience from src:quake is that this sort of thing is easier if the
> search path can be set via command-line options rather than
> configuration files - worst-case, a shell script like the ones in
> src:quake can provide whatever automation is needed. I don't think gemrb
> currently supports this, though.

I have filed a wishlist bug report for gemrb and asked to promote
game-data-packager. I also mentioned Simon's suggestion to improve
language environment support.


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