Hi all,

I'm just wondering if anybody from the XMPP packaging group may want to
take ownership of this bug[1] and bring it to the stage where the
service can be announced or even just help to chip away at any one of
the tasks on the list.

There are a few things to do but as far as I am aware they are mostly
routine tasks, no new development work required:

- add yourself to the debian-rtc-admin group[2] and mailing list[3]

- submit an RT request[4] to DSA to add you to the debvoip UNIX group
and assist DSA with the outstanding actions on their list (see below)

- decide on most recommended XMPP client for desktop users and for the
most common mobile platform(s) (Android) and add some brief notes about
them or screenshots to the wiki[5].  Ralph offered to provide some
feedback on this topic too, the XMPP mailing list[6] may also be a good
place to seek ideas for this.  I've recently been trying the
Conversations app on Android.

- send an announcement to the debian-devel-announce list[7] (must be PGP
signed) and the official Debian newsletter and blog (contact publicity
team[8]).  The announcement should probably repeat some of the links
about the support team[9]

I feel the mini-DebConf in Cambridge[10] would be a great place to
launch this service but I understand it may take longer.  I will be at
the mini-DebConf myself (at least on 7 November) and would be happy to
meet with anybody who wants to discuss or collaborate on any of this in

Many things have already been done for XMPP, e.g. we have the TURN
server running, a custom authentication module, the users can create
LDAP accounts, Prosody itself is installed and running, certificates,
DNS and firewall changes were already made, Luca in particular has put a
great effort into getting the project to this stage.

Even if you can only help with one of the things on this list and give
feedback to this bug that would be perfectly welcome.



--- DSA tasks ---

1. backup (bacula) for buddy lists in /var/lib/prosody

2. installing the prosody-modules package from jessie-backports and
verify that /usr/lib/prosody/modules/mod_auth_ha1.lua is working
(the version of mod_auth_ha1.lua that we developed and tested at
DebConf15 is in ~pocock/prosody-mod/mod_auth_ha1.lua)

3. ensuring the text file with password hashes from LDAP is
automatically updated when something changes in LDAP and then a HUP
signal is sent to Prosody.  This is very similar to what has already
been scripted to provide the password hashes to the TURN server, reTurn.

4. set up monitoring of the TCP ports, maybe use:

1. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=803124
2. https://alioth.debian.org/project/request.php?group_id=100991
3. https://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/debian-rtc-admin
4. https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DSA/RTUsage#How_to_submit_a_ticket
5. http://wiki.debian.org/UnifiedCommunications/DebianDevelopers/UserGuide
6. http://mail.jabber.org/mailman/listinfo/juser
7. https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/
8. https://lists.debian.org/debian-publicity/
9. https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2015/10/msg00032.html
10. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/gb/2015/MiniDebConfCambridge

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