Severity: minor

Since the html variants are working fine, I will remove the txt variants 
from the website for now.
Turning this into a bugreport, so that it doesn't get lost.

[Forwarded mail follows]

Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2015 12:30:01 +0100
From: Holger Wansing <>
Cc: Jacob Fritz <>
Subject: Re: broken links in the apt manual's area

[ Adding debian-doc into the loop; sorry for cross-posting ]


Jacob Fritz <> wrote:
> So I was going through the user manuals section of your website (
> and found that none of the apt
> manuals display plain text options, in spite of the fact that they have
> hyperlinks to them. I mean, I suppose I can copy and paste the HTML pages,
> but still...  Anyway, not sure if this was deliberate or not, so I just
> thought I'd mention it.

I have looked into this. Hopefully I got it right somehow:

For aptitude it seems the txt variant has to be removed from the webwml, 
since the aptitude-doc package does only contain html variants of the guide.

For apt-doc there are probably changes required in the package apt-doc, to get
a clean solution.
The APT User's Guide has the string "apt-guide" as identifier for building
the Debian website, which means the links for the text variant point to
../apt-guide/ for German as example.
But the package does not contain such file ../apt-guide-... file, only
../guide-... files (without the apt- ).
Are there changings in the package needed to get that running?
Or is there some mechanism, that extracts the files out of the package
and renames it according to specific rules, before it gets loaded to the
Debian webserver?


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