Package: <installation-reports>
version: last
Language: French
KDE plasma: 5.4.2
Environnement: stretch Qt: 5.5.1
Kernel: 4.2.0-1-amd64
Hello guys,
- Muon doesn't work (there is very few visible programms)
- Default missing packages: python-vte, simple-scan or xsane, icedove
and synaptic (I like icedove because it is easy to have in the same
place the RSS flow, e-mails, chat, that you can easily filter or put on
folder which you can easily say to get only the 100 most recent
messages, or not trash, etc...; Muon doesn't work well and synaptic yes
I prefer Apper and the futur Muon ) but vlc is welcome.
- I'm into the french version, but a lot of menus are in english or in
- In the menu "Multiple desktops" or "pager" menu, the box with
"/widgets different for each pager/" under the number of desktop and
number of rowis missing. (Is there another way to do that) This menu is
particulary reach on german.
- Thescreen refresh is wrong on the internet. It is sometimes blocked
and we have to click on the screen for it to refreshing(it works but
isn't user-friendly)
- I haven't find the pixmap folder in .kde to change icon appearence. Is
there another way to do that ?
Have a nice work
Best regards
Jeanne from France