We tested the current lenny kernel linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64 as well
as the backport linux-image-4.1.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 on the dom0 as well
as the domU.

(I suppose you meant s/lenny/jessie/ ;-)

Oops, yes :)

These are kernel ABI versions, the package release versions are things
like 3.16.7-ckt17-1 or 4.2.5-1~bpo8+1, which yu can either get from
dpkg or from /proc/version (at the end, before the date, I think).

If you can let me know the versions then I can more sensibly reassign
this to the kernel packages. It will also give some baselines to see
what if any fixes we do or don't have.

Thank you. The tested versions on dom0 and domU in which the problem occurs are:

I posted the problem also to the xen-user mailing list, but did not get a reply there.

And I have to update one of the observations: It seems that not all domUs started after the problem occurs for the first time are broken. After several restarts (without any changes) one of the domUs started working again.

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