
Sorry for not following up on this earlier.

I'm currently doing a load of cleanup of nbd, and ran across this bug. I
couldn't reproduce it anymore; however, I did find that there was an
issue with v6-mapped IPv4 addresses that I've just fixed in the upstream

Can you still reproduce this? If so, with which version? In that case,
please also provide me an example configuration file that reproduces it.

I can't reproduce it with the given configuration file myself with the
current upstream version of NBD, so I'm going to assume this bug has
been fixed since it was filed but that I forgot to close the bug. If you
can confirm that, that'd be great; otherwise, I'll just close it myself
in a few weeks.


It is easy to love a country that is famous for chocolate and beer

  -- Barack Obama, speaking in Brussels, Belgium, 2014-03-26

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