
On 2015-11-07 18:21, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
>>libsvm (3.20-1) unstable; urgency=medium
>>  * Non-maintainer upload.
>>  * Import new upstream version.
> this is really out of an NMU scope, do you have any evidence about the
> maintainer
> being MIA/not interested anymore, or acking you to upload a new release?

I'm the maintainer of LIBLINEAR, a package related to LIBSVM. I pinged
the maintainer of LIBSVM a while ago. He indicated that he's still
interested in maintaining it, but had to schedule the time.

I'll ping the maintainer again, and see whether he can make the time

In any case, LIBSVM's structure is very similar to LIBLINEAR, so an up
to date packaging could be taken from the latter and adapted to the


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