
On 10 Nov 2015, at 17:25, James Cloos wrote:

"PvD" == Peter van Dijk <peter.van.d...@powerdns.com> writes:

So it looks like running check-all-zones changed something.

PvD> That doesn’t make any sense :( check-all-zones is a readonly
PvD> operation.

That is what I had previously presumed but something changed.  I only
changed two of the zones based on the check-all-zones output and that
allowed all of the zones to *start* working again.

Ah, so more happened than just the running of check-all-zones. That is a bit less confusing at least.

Perhaps the issue then is that the geoip backend changed its name and
thus failed to upgrade with the server and the pg backend. Although my
config didn't load the geo backend...

geo did not change its name - geoip is a different backend.

I noticed when I grabbed the old debs from the pool that the package
name changed from pdns-backend-geo to pdns-backend-geoip.  After
Christian's first reply I manually removed the geo backend, fixed the
couple of errors reported by check (a couple of duplicate CNAME records
and an OPENPGPKEY records in raw syntax from when I was trying to add
support back before the stroke).

Ah yes, raw syntax for a type we support is a known bug, sorry about that.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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