
> Of course people could be concerned about that forward bot (which
> could even take care of replying) be facilitated as sort of a MITM
> attack pattern, so it might make sense to have people run such a bot
> themself on some host they trust.
> Not so sure about how this would work if it's more than just plain
> messages though, like OTR (which could be encapseled somehow) or
> other things like voice/video chat.

FWIW, if the user were to be transparently redirected from an
unused/unprefered $f...@rtc.debian.org to the DD's prefered contact,
this would be a problem. But, given that OTR has a session
establishment phase, what could be done is to auto-answer to any
incoming message with "DD $foo does not use their RTC account" or "DD
$foo prefers contact via their other XMPP account,

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