On Tue, 10 Nov 2015 20:24:58 +0000 Colin Tuckley <col...@debian.org> wrote:
> > But this is not the real problem, the real problem is that this 
> > prompt shows up in the first place, as there was nobody modifying 
> > this conffile at all, the package has just been installed and
> > upgraded...
> Actually the conf file *is* being modified!

But not by the local admin with $EDITOR.

> The file in question /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld is designed to be
> modified by client packages that use the mysql package so that apparmor
> knows about them.

But with the file being a conffile owned by mysql-something, it must not
be modified by any other package.

cqrlog seems to be the only package in the archive doing this, breaking
mysql upgrades. Did other packages find a better solution? Cannot you
ship a separate configuration file to achieve what you need?
Note: I have no clue (and don't even want to know) how any of the
involved packages work :-)

If the only solution is to modify that file, talk with the mysql
maintainers how this could be achieved without breaking upgrades.
This probably means it can no longer be a conffile and instead some
machanism to generate and update it has to be implemented. Sounds a bit
like something for triggers ...

> cqrlog attempts to modify this file (and revert it when it's uninstalled).


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