On Tue, 24 Nov 2015, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> You should copy out the test output file so it's possible to see which
> step of the mqueue5 test failed.
> There are some recent changes to the mqueue implementation in Linux
> that might possibly have caused this (not because they are known buggy,
> but they may have user-visible effects).  However it's fairly pointless
> for me to look any further without that test output.

In a build in a normal chroot (not a minimal-sbuild one), I only got the failure
for the amd64-i386 build:
┏(squeeze-amd64) x230-buxy:~/deb/lts/pkg/eglibc-2.11.3
┗(543)$ cat build-tree/amd64-i386/rt/tst-mqueue5.out 
SIGRTMIN signal in child did not arrive
child failed with status 256

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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