On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 08:36:23PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Would you mind commiting your changes to Debian Science svn.  It has
> ACLs set to grant commit permissions to any DD.

Not quite correctly, it seems:

| Sending        debian/changelog
| Adding         debian/patches/fix-qtlocalpeer-compilation
| Sending        debian/patches/series
| Transmitting file data ...done
| Committing transaction...
| svn: E000013: Commit failed (details follow):
| svn: E000013: Can't create directory 
'/svn/debian-science/db/transactions/47186-1.txn': Permission denied

Unless there's an error on my part — I haven't used svn in many years
and checked this out with debcheckout --auth.

Also, I assume this means it is accepted and I can move the NMU from
delayed to immediate?

Note, I have looked at the upstream 4.5 release and it already has the
same fix. My patch needs to be dropped again when the new version gets

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