You will simply need to set -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug  to cmake. And make
that a clean build. But please test on latest product, there have been pns
fixes after rc2 (in 6322).
Den 27/11/2015 19.39 skrev "Gregor Riepl" <>:

> I tested the new features of KiCad 4.0 quite extensively and found some
> problems with the avoid & shove code. It crashes quite frequently when
> there
> are lots of obstacles.
> To debug these, it would be great to have kicad-dbg package with debugging
> symbols.
> I tried to build one myself, but the package turned out empty.
> Is KiCad built without debugging symbols at all? Is there some dpkg magic
> involved?
> I added this to debian/control:
> Package: kicad-dbg
> Architecture: any
> Section: debug
> Depends:
>  kicad (= ${binary:Version}),
>  ${misc:Depends}
> Description: Debugging symbols for kicad
> And this to debian/rules:
> override_dh_strip:
>         dh_strip --dbg-package=kicad-dbg

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