Hi Jurek!

On Fri, 17 Apr 2015, Jurek Sobczyk wrote:

> I have modified my old drawing and tried to export it to .PS, .EPS,
> .PDF. Resluting .ps, .eps files are unreadable by PostScript
> viewers. Conversion to .pdf fails with error.

How did you do the conversion?  Did you try this by "export" from xfig
or did you manually call fig2dev?

I ask this, since I just found a upstream bug in xfig 3.2.5.c, that
doesn't seem to exist in 3.2.5.b, which has to do with locales.

The problem here is, that xfig calls fig2dev with parameter -m with a
factional value.  With German LOCALE this faction is represented a
0,150000 instead of a 0.150000, which was expected by fig2dev in the
-m parameter.

I'm just preparing a patch and new upload to fix this.

> PostScript files are also not printable - my printer does not
> understand them.
> I suppose that it is due to new PostScript version:
> %!PS-Adobe-3.0

As far as I can see, this is a consequence of the same problem.  The
magnification of the EPS file is set to 0.0 which results in an
unprintable result.

Please try, whether setting LANG=C works as a workaround for your problem:

env LANG=C xfig



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