
One month  later, I still haven't forgotten that task, sorry for the delay ;)
new upload here:

Le mardi 27 octobre 2015, 00:16:57 Andreas Cadhalpun a écrit :
>  * d/control:
>     - 'Priority: optional' not extra
>     - packages should be 'Multi-Arch: same'
>  * d/copyright: misses copyright of 'Alexey Osipov'
Done, thanks for guidance!

> The tests could be run e.g. with:
> cd tests; cmake .; make all; ./tests
> However, the return code is wrong [2].
I included your patch, but I'm not sure how to add & run test target in 
This might go into future improvements, with the runtime loading of SSE on 
i386? (Felipe's suggestion)

I don't know if this packaging activity is worth versioning on alioth, as 
upstream doesn't seem to evolve any/much more?
If yes anyway, am I allowed to initialize a git repo?

Many thanks again,


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