Axel Beckert wrote on Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 02:52:17 +0100:
> Frank Terbeck wrote:
> > Disclaimer: Even though I am involved with grml's setup a great deal, I
> >     never was a big fan of packaging it up for Debian. The reason for
> >     that being mainly, that I am absolutely convinced that a vendor
> >     should impose the least possible changes to a package as possible
> >     and most certainly not impose a bunch of settings for every user on
> >     a system.
> That decision has not to be made by the vendor (i.e. us; neither in
> the one nor in the other direction) but solely by the local admin. And
> the vendor should IMHO help the local admin to implement that
> decision, i.e. the package should ask the local admin (via debconf) if
> the configuration should be globally enabled or not.

Another option is to ask the individual user, via zsh-newuser-install.

I.e., zsh-newuser-install could grow an additional option
'(V) Vendor-specific features' in the toplevel menu, which would allow
the user to enable/disable packages' add-on features.

I guess that means establishing a zsh-newuser-install-vendor.d/
somewhere for packages to drop their zsh-newuser-install modules into.

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