Control: tags -1 + moreinfo unreproducible

Any news on that, e-mmanuel?  It would be great if we could avoid the
autoremoval from testing ;-)

On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 at 21:15:00 +0200, e-mmanuel wrote:
> the problem occurs on my other server.
> Both are clean (production servers).

FWIW, it's not because a server is used in production that it is clean
(in fact it most likely means it's not).  Vincent and I were not able
able to reproduce your bug in a clean chroot.  I just double checked
with a fresh jessie install (with the default settings and only standard
system utilities):  I was able to upgrade both from 0.7.2-9+deb7u1 and
1.1.2+dfsg.1-4 to 1.1.3+dfsg.1-1.

  echo 'deb 
unstable main' >/etc/apt/sources.list
  apt -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update
  apt-get dist-upgrade
  systemctl reboot
  apt install mariadb-server
  apt install php5-{fpm,mysql} roundcube-{core,mysql,plugins}
  echo 'deb unstable main' 
  apt update
  apt upgrade

Also, reportbug showed only the version of roundcube-core's
dependencies.  Could you do the same for roundcube-*?


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