On Fri, 04 Dec 2015 19:03:05 +1100 Craig Sanders <c...@taz.net.au> wrote:

> sometime in the last ~70 days (since I last started X or rebooted),
> something has changed in X that prevents startx from working as an
> ordinary user.
> startx *was* working perfectly. Now when I run startx, I can see the
> xfce desktop but neither keyboard nor mouse work at all, can't even
> switch VT with Ctrl-Alt-F1 to kill X. I have to login from another
> machine on the network to kill X and get back to a text console.
> seems to be something to do with the error message:
> xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O (Operation not permitted)

Are you using systemd? is libpam-systemd installed on your machine?

If it's not the case, try to install xserver-xorg-legacy and look at Xwrapper.config man page


Laurent Bigonville

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