Control: tags -1 upstream
Control: fixed -1 5.1.1-test-2-3-g2bab9f0-1

Axel Beckert wrote on Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 09:35:42 +0100:
> Hi Daniel,
> Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> > Daniel Shahaf wrote on Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 21:51:25 +0000:
> > > Daniel Shahaf wrote on Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 23:04:12 +0000:
> > > > +# Hint that a paste with embedded newlines hasn't been executed
> > > > +(( $+zle_highlight )) || zle_highlight=()
> > > > +zle_highlight+=(paste:standout)
> > > 
> > > This is scheduled to become the upstream default in release 5.1.2
> > > (see commit c76f4f96a65c7bfbba2183c422a1fb567069981f).
> > 
> > This has happened; the release after 5.1.1 was numbered 5.2, not 5.1.2
> > as I (mis)predicted.
> Thanks for closing the bug!
> One wish for future cases like this: If you write a mail that a bug
> has been fixed upstream, please also tag the bug report as
> "fixed-upstream", i.e. include "Control: tag -1 +pending" at the start
> of the body of the mail. I often do this retroactively when I notice
> such a mail. But sometimes -- like in this case -- I just don't notice
> it.

I shall do so next time.  Thanks for the lesson.

> When doing a new upstream release, I normally don't check all bugs one
> by one, but use a filter to show me all bugs which are marked as
> either fixed-upstream or pending. That's why I oversaw this bug and
> didn't mention it in debian/changelog.

I don't think it's a major omission.



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