On 12/11/2015 02:18 PM, Heiko Ernst wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2015, 22:00:44 schrieb Jens Reyer:
>> On 11/26/2015 08:24 AM, Heiko Ernst wrote:
>>> I have mounted the dvd on kde 5 and start with wine "D:
> \\setup.exe". The
>>> installe start and show an undefined error on kde.
>> And what happens if you try it directly from the CD, e.g. if it was
>> mounted to /mount/user/risen/:
>>   cd /mount/user/risen/
>>   wine setup.exe
> how can i mount this to /mount/useres/risen/ ?

That's not what I suggested, that path was just an example. However I
meant /media/YOURUSERNAME/risen/, sorry for giving a bad example. ;)

What I suggested was:
1. Mount the CD as you usually do in KDE 5.
2. Open a terminal.
3. In the terminal "cd PATH", with PATH being the full pathname of the
folder of setup.exe.
4. In the same terminal issue "wine setup.exe".

Since setup.exe seems to be in the top directory of your CD, PATH is the
same as the path you mounted the CD.
If you don't know which path it is mounted to, you can check it in
/etc/mtab. If you have trouble figuring out the correct path from
/etc/mtab you might send that file to me.
Alternatively you might (not sure about that because I don't use KDE)
right click on the icon of the mounted CD or of setup.exe and check its
properties. If you find e.g. /media/YOURUSERNAME/risen/setup.exe then
PATH is /media/YOURUSERNAME/risen/.


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