On 2015-12-14 at 12:47, David Kalnischkies wrote:

> Control: notfound -1
> Control: found -1 1.1.3
> (fixing up metadata to reflect report)

Looks like my attempt got there a bit earlier, but thanks anyway, since
I wasn't sure I'd gotten it right.

(Is the use of -1 to represent "current bug" or suchlike documented
anywhere? I remembered seeing it used, but I couldn't find it in
https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control, or 'man bts', so I didn't
risk trying it.)

> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 11:42:34AM -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
>> Couldn't create tempfiles for splitting up 
>> /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.us.debian.org_debian_dists_testing_InRelease
> The code doing the splitting is present since 0.9.8 (~2013), so that
> is probably really about the tempfiles rather than this code itself
> as it didn't change much.
> I guess its permission related as this code is now executed as _apt 
> rather than as root. You can disable privilege dropping temporarily
> with -o APT::Sandbox::User=root

Agreed, that sounds likely - and thanks for the tip.

> Interesting might be the permissions of your $TMPDIR: stat /tmp

$ stat /tmp $TMPDIR
  File: ‘/tmp’
  Size: 53248           Blocks: 112        IO Block: 4096   directory
Device: fd02h/64770d    Inode: 2           Links: 73
Access: (0775/drwxrwxr-x)  Uid: ( 1000/wanderer)   Gid: ( 1004/  tmpdir)
Access: 2013-08-30 09:47:13.901246241 -0400
Modify: 2015-12-14 23:14:47.519608765 -0500
Change: 2015-12-14 23:14:47.519608765 -0500
 Birth: -

IOW, it's not world-writable, and the group involved is probably not a
standard one.

By comparison, on a different machine which doesn't have the problem,
/tmp is drwxrwxrwx root:root.

Now that I've looked at this, I vaguely recall that I set /tmp up this
way intentionally, not long after I built this system - but I can't
remember why. I think it was simply that I couldn't write to /tmp as my
normal user otherwise, but that doesn't seem to hold with the other
system; there may also have been a bit of thinking that the way /tmp
looked in 'ls / --color=auto' with drwxrwxrwx root:root was ugly, but if
so I haven't noticed it on the other system in the past few years.

This is probably the culprit. I'll investigate changing this in the
morning, when I have more time and less of a headache.

It might be worth trying to detect /tmp or $TMPDIR writability at some
point in the process, but I entirely understand if it's considered not
worth the code and/or the hassle.

> Potentially also how you mount it (if you do it): mount | grep tmpfs

This returns a bunch of things, starting with udev and including several
things under /run and one under /sys, but no /tmp or similar.

> [I see that you haven't followed the systemd switch yet, which
> suggests you could have other "new" default options not as default
> like a non- persistent /tmp as well]

As it happens, /tmp is currently persistent on this computer, but is
non-persistent on the one which doesn't have the problem. That's got
nothing to do with the systemd switch AFAIK, however, and I'm pretty
sure it's orthogonal to the current problem.

> You could also try moving /var/lib/apt/lists away. There is no
> 'partial' in this file path, so maybe some bad file is stuck in there
> doing bad things. While at it: Anything interesting in the partial/
> subdirectory and does the mention file looks at least reasonable? The
> files are all Hit's – what modification time have the files in the
> lists/ dir?

I don't have this information ready to hand, since I always run the
update again after downgrading back to the working version, and that's
going to update the timestamps and suchlike. If it's important, which I
now think it probably isn't, I can do the dance to get it tomorrow or so.

> I presume 1.1.3 was the first apt you tried of the 1.1 series,
> right?

It's the first to make it to testing, so yes.

>> Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg
>> installed?)
> (That is a catch-all message printed after we had a failure higher
> up the chain [which was probably very technical like this one] – with
> the "most likely" cause added in a few layman terms as we do it in a
> few other error messages as well.)

I rather expected this would be the case. I mentioned gnupg just to
confirm that, yes, I had investigated the cause suggested in the error
message and it didn't seem to apply.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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