tags 294964 + confirmed upstream
forwarded 294964 Torsten Schoenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
thank you, wonderful Debian BTS!

Hi Torsten,

I've received this bug report and could reproduce it easily. I tried to
debug this, but failed. As you naturally have no problem to understand
the code, you can probably fix this in a few minutes.

Anyway, here is the report. Please keep the reporter and the Debian BTS
in the CC when you answer.

Alex Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When you use the program the first time, and enter a to-do item, it
> disappears. It doesn't save properly to ~/.odot as indicated in the man
> page. It produces the following output:
> Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /usr/bin/odot line 1963.
> *** unhandled exception in callback:
> ***   Gtk-ERROR **: file gtktreestore.c: line 581
> (gtk_tree_store_get_path): assertion failed: (G_NODE
> (iter->user_data)->parent != NULL) at /usr/bin/odot line 1975.
> ***  ignoring at /usr/bin/odot line 1358.
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> /usr/bin/odot line 2758.
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> /usr/bin/odot line 2758.
> Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /usr/bin/odot line 1963.
> (process:22589): Gtk-ERROR (recursed) **: file gtktreestore.c: line 581
> (gtk_tree_store_get_path): assertion failed: (G_NODE
> (iter->user_data)->parent != NULL)
> aborting...
> Aborted
> thanks, Alex

The only "new" thing is that i've found out that this even happens with
an existing ~/.odot file if the tasklist is empty.

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