
On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 03:46:33PM -0500, Carlos Vicente wrote:
> I originally intended to package it myself. I started with all the missing
> Perl modules that were not included in Debian. That took an enormous
> amount of time, but I believe that most of the modules were included.

Ok cool. If there are any Perl modules remaining, please do look through and
see if anyone has an ITP/RFP files and if not, file an ITP yourself. There
is a #debian-perl IRC channel on irc.debian.org that can offer help with
packaging Perl modules, as well as a Perl modules team.


> I would love to continue this work and ultimately have a netdot package
> available in Debian, so I will gladly accept any help you can provide.

I'm happy to sponsor uploads of modules and of netdot itself, but may have
to check with the Perl team if there are bits I don't understand for Perl
specific packaging quirks.



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