reopen 774135
found 774135 3:4.8.15-2
retitle 774135 mc: SFTP VFS still not usable


this still happens in the current version in sid, unfortunately.


cd /s

⇒ Error
        11: sftp: an error occurred while reading ~/.ssh/config: Resource 
temporarily unavailable

Second dialog box:

⇒ Error
        Cannot chdir to "/s";
        File exists (17)

tglase@tglase:~ $ cat .ssh/config                                               
Host *
 FingerprintHash md5
 HashKnownHosts no
 ControlPath /dev/shm/tglase/ctl.%r@%h:%p

Admittedly, it doesn’t segfault any more, but it still
does nothing to become usable again…

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