On 22/12/2015 22:05, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 12:15 PM, Alexandre Fayolle
> <alexandre.fayo...@free.fr> wrote:
>> The package python-pydot has version 1.0.28 in debian. However the
>> package installed reports as version 1.0.32 (see setup.py in the source
>> package). This creates confusion with tools such as pip which don't see
> I dont have any trace of that 1.0.32 you mention in the setup.py . the
> version reported from the package is 1.0.29 as I suspect that was a
> "hack" from upstream the last time they release the package on google
> code (see the commented code just after 29). Now it's on github and
> looks like this :
> https://github.com/erocarrera/pydot/blob/pydot-1.0.28/pydot.py#L22
> dont know what to do with this bug though

Hello Sandro,

An easy way to check for this is in the file list in the package:


You can see there is a very suspicious
/usr/share/pyshared/pydot-1.0.32.egg-info/PKG-INFO in there.

I dug a little bit more in there and it turns out the file
debian/patches/support-py3k.patch is responsible for this. It changes
setup.py and hardcodes the 1.0.32 version (which is a very poor
decision, imo).

I think modifying the patch to have at least the PKGINFO matching the
package version is the way to go.

Thanks, and merry christmas!


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