Dne petek, 25. december 2015 ob 17:55:53 je Innocent De Marchi napisal(a):
> Hi Andrej,
> I am read your bug report and view the video.
> Package: glpeces
> > Version: 5.1.1-1
> > Severity: important
> > 
> > Dear Maintainer,
> > 
> > In the recent versions of the game (5.0+), the pieces behaviour has
> > changed.
> > Suddenly the pieces have invisible walls which make other pieces
> > autorotate
> > on left-click drag and also sometimes prevent rotating.
> > This is extremely annoying and makes the game pretty much unplayable.
> > 
> > I have purged the old configs just to be safe, but it didn't make a
> > difference.
> Thanks for your information. Now I am working in the 5.2 version of glpeces
> program.
> I improved the pieces rotation: Can you see if it works better?
> There is a compressed file in
> http://pecesjocdetangr.sourceforge.net/animats/glpece-5.2.tar.gz
> Regards!
> I. De Marchi

HI Innocent,

I have tested the attached program, however, the problem still persists. The 
pieces still have invisible walls. I must also mention that the pieces also 
behave like this when you approach the walls of the playing area. 

Best regards,

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