But the change you've proposed has other repercussion. It breaks
shutdown, because now, iscsi service/sessions are terminated way early.
This leaves, effectively, a hung sanboot system.

Please see attached images.

I also didn't like that iscsi shutdown, even thought my rootfs was

I'll keep digging.

On Wed, 2015-12-30 at 15:26 +0530, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> This definitely improved the reporting.
> root@debian-sanboot:~# systemctl status open-iscsi
> ● open-iscsi.service - Login to default iSCSI targets
>    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/open-iscsi.service; enabled;
> vendor preset: enabled)
>    Active: active (exited) since Wed 2015-12-30 15:00:23 IST; 7min
> ago
>      Docs: man:iscsiadm(8)
>            man:iscsid(8)
>   Process: 599 ExecStart=/lib/open-iscsi/activate-storage.sh
> (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>   Process: 568 ExecStart=/sbin/iscsiadm -m node --loginall=automatic
> (code=exited, status=15)
>   Process: 561 ExecStartPre=/bin/systemctl --quiet is-active
> iscsid.service (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>  Main PID: 599 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>    CGroup: /system.slice/open-iscsi.service
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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