On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 18:36:43 Leon Bottou wrote:
> >>So maybe the best thing would be to file a bug against qt5, fix things
> >>in this package by using qt4, and filing a wishlist bug against this
> >>package to use qt5, with a "blocked by" referring to the qt5 bug
> >>report above. That way when the qt5 issue is resolved the wishlist bug
> >>will be unblocked and notifications will flow...

Nevermind. After understanding sufficiently what is going on in the bowels of 
Qt, I implemented a workaround hack in a new release 4.10.5. This involves 
capturing the native xcb events and checking later whether Qt did the right 
thing.  This is ugly, but waiting for these guys could take forever...

I should do some real work now...

- L.

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