Package: opendkim
Version: 2.10.3-3+b1
Severity: wishlist


I am using the debian package of opendkim on a machine on a
private network with no direct internet access. DNS resolution is
fine, but only via the nameserver defined is /etc/resolv.conf.
These change once in while.

The debian package is compiled --with-unbound.

For me, it would be great to add on option that allows use of
/etc/resolv.conf with unbound. The nameservers option exists, but
I'd like to use exactly the same nameservers with opendkim as the
system default resolvers. This would directly translate into a
call of ub_ctx_resolvconf at about the same position as
ub_ctx_set_fwd is called for the nameservers option. A name for
this option could be Resolvconf.

Thank you for considering.



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