Hallo Holger,

El dom, 08-01-2006 a las 14:57 +0100, Holger Pieta escribió:
> got the same problem (second screen a clone of the first screen),
> tinkered a bit, found the following solution.

> remarks:      previously used the "Screen 1 RightOf Screen 0" setup
>               now using the "MergedXinerama" setup, but
>               not perfekt:    mouse starts between both screens,
>                               fullscreen programms (i.e. ppracer) are
>                               displayed half on one and half on the
>                               other screen

I think part of the bug is getting two outputs to work with separate
screens. In other words, your laptop panel/CRT1 become associated with
the :0.0 display and the second output with :0.1.

If I understand correctly, MergedXinerama gives you a single screen.
I.e. not what ATI calls Dual-Head proper.

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

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