On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 07:01:45PM +0000, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> Control: tags -1 - unreproducible
> @ APT deities: could you please have a look at the bug report and tell
>              me your opinion?
> Hi,
> 2016-01-10 16:56 Pavel Reznicek:
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >>How/when does the errors show, when viewing the package information
> >>screen, or with other operations?
> >
> >The error messages appears after running "Update package list" from the
> >aptitude ncruses gui. Attached is a screenshot.
> Oh, I see, I can reproduce it now.  It happens the same with "apt-get
> update" (see below).
> The problem seems to be that the in the function RunScripts() from
> libapt, when executing debtags (it has to be installed on the system),
> the output of the program doesn't get silenced/captured in any way, just
> printed to the terminal as it is.
> I don't know if the APT team can or will want to change this behaviour
> (to add this output to the apt error mechanism, for example).  It
> doesn't seem to be a big problem for apt, not having curses interfaces,
> but this might affect other users of the library.
> I am not sure if we can do much about this from aptitude's side,
> otherwise.

Well, you could.

You could open a pipe for stderr and read from it, and display
that in an aptitude window. That is, do the following:

1. dup(STDERR_FILENO) = stderr_backup
2. pipe(&fds)
3. dup2(fd[1], STDERR_FILENO)

Then you can read any stderr output from fd[0] and display it
inside aptitude.

Julian Andres Klode  - Debian Developer, Ubuntu Member

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