Hi Helmut,

Helmut Grohne <hel...@subdivi.de> writes:
> Start linphone. Click "Options", select "Preferences". Select tab
> "Manage SIP Accounts". Click the "Wizard" button. Click "Forward".
> Select "I have already a sip account ...". Click "Forward". Enter
> arbitray 6 digits into the username field. Enter an arbitrary non-empty
> character sequence into the password field. Enter a valid domain (such
> as "sipgate.com") into the domain field.
> Expected behaviour: The "Apply" button would be clickable.
> Observed behaviour: The "Apply" button is not clickable.
> Further details. The acceptance of the input data seems to depend on the
> value in the username field to start with a letter. This precludes
> sipgate users from using linphone.

I also ran into this bug.

A workaround is to prefix your sipgate username (e.g. 1234) with a
letter (e.g. a1234). Login will fail, but linphone will allow you to add
the account. Afterwards, choose Options → Preferences → Manage SIP
Accounts, select the account in question, click the Edit button, remove
the letter.

Upstream says this was fixed in 3.7.0:

Best regards,

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