On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 08:27:44AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> since it would be great to fix #805824 soon which seems pretty easy
> considering the patch I would like to offer an NMU.  However, it would
> be even more sensible to move the package under Debian Science team
> maintenance and maintain it in Debian Science Git since it is part of
> several Debian Science tasks (astronomy, numericalcomputation and
> viewing).  If I do not hear anything from you until end of this week
> I would go on to move pdl in Debian Science Git, add you as Uploader
> and do a team upload (rather than an NMU).
> What do you think?

I'm fine with putting PDL under science-team-maintianance. Go forward and
I'll join the team ASAP.

c u

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