On Jan 23, 2016 11:54 PM, "Brian May" <b...@debian.org> wrote:
> Ian Cordasco <graffatcolmin...@gmail.com> writes:
> > If you'd like to develop patches to make backporting requests without
> > backporting the necessary version of urllib3, that's fine. I don't
> > think there should be a policy of carrying unnecessary unsupported
> > patches that will likely cause more bug reports than not.
> You do realize this isn't a upstream change that is being proprosed,
> just a small change to debian/control that will not have any impact for
> unstable, testing or stable?

Requests integrates tightly with urllib3. Trying to use an older version of
the dependency (or a newer version) can wreak havoc. Try using requests
2.2.1 and urllib3 1.10 or 1.11. The right constraint is necessary to
prevent Debian from needing to carry patches for compatibility. Upstream
will not support anything for users that violates the existing restrictions.

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