clone 803197 -1
reassign -1 libsope1 2.2.9-2
retitle -1 libsope1: closing all fds breaks SOGo with LDAP+TLS in jessie
found -1 2.2.17-1+b1
affects -1 sogo
tag -1 fixed-upstream

Dear sope maintainers,

#803197 is a bug between libldap and gnutls that breaks SOGo configured to use LDAP with TLS security for authentication.

I reproduced the problem in jessie and unstable by installing sogo and adding to /etc/sogo/sogo.conf:

 SOGoUserSources = (
     type = ldap;
     CNFieldName = cn;
     IDFieldName = uid;
     UIDFieldName = uid;
     baseDN = "dc=example,dc=com";
     canAuthenticate = YES;
     hostname = "ldap://!StartTLS";;
     id = public;

With that configuration, logging into the web interface sends SOGo into an endless loop, logging messages like:

Jan 31 00:40:34 sogod [8006]: [ERROR] <0x0x5561a42d7920[WOWatchDog]> No child 
available to handle incoming request!
Jan 31 00:40:34 sogod [8024]: [ERROR] <0x0x5561a44d14e0[WOHttpAdaptor]> http server 
caught: <NGCouldNotAcceptException: 0x5561a4955410> NAME:NGCouldNotAcceptException 
REASON:Could not accept: descriptor is not a socket descriptor INFO:(null)

Sope upstream have committed a workaround for this, until it can be fixed in either gnutls or libldap.

It is included in Sope 2.3.3 and later.


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