On Mon, Feb 01, 2016 at 22:07:53 +0000, Chris Knadle wrote:
> Tino Mettler:

> > The package also closes your bug #811347.
> Yes, as it should.  ;-)

Hi Chris,

it's your bug about your package, so I mentioned it in the case that
there are some aspects in my package that justify to keep the bug open.

> Tino Mettler:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I forgot to ask: do you plan to upload that package? If not, I'll ask
> > my usual sponsor.
> Well I'm not a DD (yet) so I can't upload it directly -- I'm a DM.

sorry, I thought you uploaded the NMU. I should use
tracker.debian.org more often.

> DMs can only directly upload packages that they are the
> maintainer/uploader for, and only if a DD has requested that the DM
> be given permission to upload that specific package.
> ftp-master.debian.org has the following link for details:
>    https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/09/msg00008.html

I alread read about the basic aspects of becoming a DM or DD and even
talked to the local Debian folks about this.  However, family life
currently sets strong timing contraints. :-)

> Side notes:
> One of the most recent 2 messages in this thread was signed, and I see the
> key was revoked -- looks like it was signed with your old key rather than
> your newer one.  ;-)

I'm an idiot. Thanks for the hint.

> If you're interested in becoming a DM, what you'll need is 2 GPG signatures
> from DDs (on your newer key)

This is WIP, I already got one signature on the new key.

> (And now also an Alioth guest
> account, apparently.)  See the "Join the NM process" link at:

I already have one and use it for collab-maint for another package.

Thanks for all your remarks, I'll send the package to my usual sponsor.


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