
On Mon, 07 Dec 2015 10:20:32 +0100 Ansgar Burchardt <ans...@debian.org> wrote:
> Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> writes:
> > debian-installer-netboot-images currently violates Debian Policy by
> > fetching debian-installer images over the network during install - see
> > bug#807168.
> >
> > I believe¹ that debian-installer produces those pieces needed by
> > debian-installer-netboot-images, and suspect that providing in a binary
> > package the pieces needed for debian-installer-netboot-images could (at
> > least partially) solve bug#807168.
> >
> > This bug marked important (not wishlist) as bug#807168 is RC.
> I don't think its so easy: d-i-n-i are arch:all packages, but need
> binaries for all architectures.  To get these as build-dependencies we
> would need cross-arch build-deps which we don't have so far.

what do you mean by that? Source packages like cross-gcc-4.9-armhf *do* have
cross-arch build-deps. Were you talking about missing support in britney to
properly transition source packages with cross-arch build-deps? Is there a bug
about this open somewhere?


cheers, josch

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