On Wed, 03 Feb 2016 15:18:15 +0100 Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> I think especially the "what you see [is no longer] what you get"
> point makes this feature problematic to be enabled per default (a
> problem which doesn't exist e.g. in the case of just colourisations).

That is already the case, see below.

> On Wed, 2016-02-03 at 11:42 +0100, Christoph Berg wrote:
> > Urgh. Similarly unreadable:
> > 
> > $ touch "o'really"
> > $ ls o*y
> > 'o'\''really'
> Though that could be fixed... a smart quoting algorithm could produce
> something like.
> o\'really
> or
> "o'really"

Yes, I personally find "ls -b" more readable than the new default. It's
still easy to paste in a shell: just $'<paste-here>'  (well, almost: -b
would have to escape "'" too)

Note that "ls -b" still escapes a space:

  $ ls -db Vir*
  VirtualBox\ VMs

Not escaping " " (space) would be okay for me, though it makes multi-
column output ambigious when dealing with bad names: is "a  b" two
files "a" and "b", or one file "a  b"?  Solutions like not escaping a
single space, but escaping either all or only all except the first
space feel more confusing then always escaping spaces in tty output.

> On Wed, 2016-02-03 at 15:08 +0100, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> > Note that "ls" and "ls | cat" (output to tty vs no-tty) already
> > differed before.
> But IIRC only in terms of the former using columns?

No, they are totally different: one of them can output "??????????" for
a file whose name doesn't contain a single question mark.  And generate
the same output for a different filename too (yay!).  Such filenames
one can for example encounter by extracting archives using legacy Asian

I already enjoyed this in the past and if a mapping is applied to not
output control characters as-is to a terminal (a reasonable choice),
that mapping should in my opinion at least be injective.


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