On 03/02/16 19:20, Anton wrote:

>> Now, I would not recommend to run the node exporter as root,
>> unless absolutely necessary. Do you have a use case for it?
> I have a number of filesystems that are mounted within a directory
> structure only accessible by root. Non-root users are unable to
> statfs() those mount points, however I need to monitor their disk
> usage. What I will probably do in the long-term is mount those
> partitions into another directory and then bind-mount them to the
> root-owned path, however running the exporter as root is a
> work-around I am using until that happens.

Ah, I see. You could manually create the stats with a cronjob and use
the textfile collector, but that would be pretty hackish too..

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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