On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 11:08:28AM (-0500), Daniel Echeverry wrote:
> yes, I am working in glances, however I have a problem with a
> pre-built embedded code copies [1] [2], I am trying fix that, but  I
> failed to get it :( so, would be great to help me with this and
> co-maintain glances with you :)

Hi Daniel,

Sorry for the late reply… (FOSDEM and real life :-/)

If you are in the collab-maint group on alioth, I purpose to migrate the
maintenance of this package on this namespace. (just imported using debsnap).


I'm not sure about the best way to deal with, but we need to remove those
minified files from the source tarball (repack or quilt patch). (I'm not sure
about the best way, the ftpmaster way).

Anyway I just used a quilt patch and opened a bug upstream.


Let me know if you're ok with this :-)

Cool for the co-maintenance \o/



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