On 2016-01-31 Ingo Juergensmann <i...@2013.bluespice.org> wrote:
> Package: planet-venus
> Version: 0~git9de2109-3
> Severity: normal

> Apparently planet-venus fails to fetch feeds from SNI enabled hosts.
> After migrating my blog from HTTP to HTTPS with letsencrypt.org
> certificate, I noticed that Planet Debian fails to include my blog
> postings.
> ERROR:planet.runner:Error 500 while updating feed
> https://blog.windfluechter.net/taxonomy/term/2/feed

> When directly using my feed link in a browser everything works without
> any problems and the correct certificate is loaded.


Just out of interest: Am I looking wrong or is blog.windfluechter.net
making strange use of SNI, having a single SNI that is identical with
the CN?

ametzler@argenau:/tmp$ openssl x509 -text < log.windfluechter | grep -E -A1 
'Subject:|Subject Alternative Name:'
        Subject: CN=blog.windfluechter.net
        Subject Public Key Info:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:

I have recently also switched to letsencrypt (but have not re-pointed
the planet feed yet).
ametzler@argenau:/tmp$ openssl x509 -text < log.bebt | grep -E -A1 
'Subject:|Subject Alternative Name:'
        Subject: CN=vsrv21575.customer.vlinux.de
        Subject Public Key Info:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                DNS:kraftwerk-au.bebt.de, DNS:vsrv21575.customer.vlinux.de, 
The simple test case posted by Jakub Wilk[1] succeeds here.

cu Andreas

[1] python -c 'import httplib2; httplib2.Http().request("https://www.bebt.de/";)'
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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