On 13 February 2016 at 16:03, Maximiliano Curia wrote:

> On Saturday, 13 February 2016 04:04:29 CET Rares Marian wrote:
> > Incidentally, there's many packages with mixed dependencies on specific
> > versions of libqt5core5a throughout kde5. Some pkgs want 5.6.0 others
> > want 5.5.1. And they depend on each other.
> Yes, this seems to be due to a hiccup in the buildds experimental
> dependency
> solver, in the past the dependency solver tried to use the version in
> unstable
> unless the required versions were only available in experimental, the new
> solver used qt 5.6 even though the qt 5.5 version from unstable was enough
> to
> fullfil the requiremens (this might sound simple, but it's a hard problem,
> and
> it's something that has always brought headaches to packagers working with
> experimental).
Is it possible to force buildd to use a specific QT version by adding the
virtual qtbase-abi-5-5-1 (or qtbase-abi-5-6-0) packet as a build dependency
to those packages that depends on QT?

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